Humita (Savoury Corn Pudding)

by Casa Argento
Mendoza, Argentina

At Casa Argento, we love to cook traditional Argentina food and entertain guests. Humita, a native dish, is a mild and tender preparation of freshly grated corn kernels, spices and cheese best served with fresh crusty bread and a green salad. The combination of sweetness from the fresh corn and savoury component from the cheese, onions and spices is the perfect accompaniment to the floral and fruity, slightly off-dry Argento Torrontés. Salud!

Serves 4 people

8 ears corn (as fresh and as sweet as possible)
7 ounces of Monterey Jack Cheese cut into small cubes
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 large onion thinly sliced into half rounds
1 large sweet green pepper sliced into thin strips
1 large tomato, peeled and seeded, chopped
1 cup fresh basil leaves
salt and nutmeg to taste

Using a box grater, grate the corn kernels into a large bowl, then run the back of a knife down each cob to release the milky liquid from the kernels.

Heat oil, fry onions first together with green pepper until soft but not browned, then add tomato and continue frying until tomato is thoroughly cooked.

Add at this time grated corn stirring all the time until thickened, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Add cubed cheese and chopped basil and serve hot.